Ion-Molecular Memory Model. Coding Techniques (Formalization) and Transfer of Information


Герасимов ,Gerasimov I.,Яшин ,Yashin A.


In previous papers, the authors examined the material elements of memory. This paper is devoted to the methods of coding and transfer information. Encoding mechanisms and spectrum of activity of hydrogen ions, as the dominant feature in the process of encoding information, were studied. In particular, the role of the tunneling effect - as the ability of a hydrogen ion H+ to change their position without loss of energy - was marked. The ability to relay proton transfer in the basic biochemical reactions was noted. The authors identified the main thing - compared with other ions of the material structure of the brain - the small mass of the proton makes it unique among them in this aspect encoding, and transfer information in realization of the mechanism of memory. The basic concept is the informational code memory. Herewith, the actual coding of the information is considered as far from a trivial task, but it is quite solvable (i.e. analyzed in memory model), given the large number of parameters of the electric neural signal. Another aspect is that whatever happened encoding when saving the information in memory should be recoding of parameters of electrical signals parameters of structure and energy of biopolymers or other drives. To retrieve information from memory must be implemented by its decoding images, verbal or other characteristics. The authors note that mechanisms decoding in-memory structure previously known to the authors of the works were not discussed at all. The article considers the basic notion of the spectrum of the activity of hydrogen ions (SАHI). It is SAHI as the general characteristics of the activity of proton, defines all of the “subtle” mechanisms the effectiveness of ion-molecular memory model. It is shown that only the uniqueness of the proton, as biochemical agent, and led him to the isolation of the other ion - as an important element of memory.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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