Герасимов ,Gerasimov I.,Яшин ,Yashin A.
This article is a continuation of a series of works on creation of ion-molecular memory model. Structural elements of the library of memory, as well as their rather complex interaction are considered. The authors are talking about the library in anatomically formed brain. It is believed that information is stored in certain structural elements ("repository of facts"). The concept of directory information and a buffer of information systems and their capacity were introduced. The scheme of possible structure of the library of memory that includes inputs, controllers, switches, transmitters, receivers-directories, drives, and concurrently-cascaded (specialized) of the auxiliary sections of the library memory was proposed and substantiated by the authors. Structural elements of the storage of information already exist in anatomically formed brain, and actually library memory has elements of different physical sizes. Information is also distributed by the authorities, and the smallest unit patterns library memory is one where the only fact is stored. As soon hydrogen ions as carriers of information, easily contact the buffer systems, this indicates that in the system memory other structures to store facts – information are excessive, with the exception of physical and chemical buffers of protein nature. It is also clear: if more capacity information in the buffer, the more information can be stored in it. Structural elements of the library memory can be presented in sufficient functional completeness by controllers, switches, transmitters and drives. It is not excluded that controllers and switches are located within a single molecular (submolecular) structure.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
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