Ion-Molecular Memory Model. Basic Notions. Types of Memory (review)


Герасимов ,Gerasimov I.,Яшин ,Yashin A.


The review presents the history of the known approaches, concepts and theories of memory, first of all the human, as properties perceive, save, retrieve and reproduce information important for life. The review is written with a specific aim designation: precedes the developed author´s concept of ion-molecular memory model. In the introduction, the authors note that it is reasonably consider memory as a property and the living and non-living objects. Definition of structural memory is presented. It is noted that the review is dedicated to the human memory as biological (according to I.P. Amsharin) - the supreme manifestation of the nature of bio-objects. The authors give a basic definition of the memory elements as information operand: receivers, analyzers, analytical systems, selectors, transmitters, storage devices, media, and library memory. Classification of types of memory as conceptual, oriented to the task research: creation of ion-molecular memory model is presented. As an example, the authors present the definition of the classification of memory on the parameter of time storage of the information. In the aspect of the review of the existing models of memory the authors identified three basic types which simulate associative (distributed) memory, the so-called working memory, i.e. operational situational memory, and other, different, memory models: from temporary to sensory memory. In conclusion, it is shown that in the memory modelling the authors used various mathematical and physical principles: neural networks, holography, fractals, and many sections of non-linear dynamics. The content of this review is based on the analysis of numerous literary sources.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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