Герасимов ,Gerasimov I.,Яшин ,Yashin A.
Regular publications on the development of ion-molecular memory model focuses on the development of information area of memory. As in the previous paper, the main active agents are hydrogen ions. Formation of information code is regarded as the effectiveness of the range of activity of hydrogen ions (SAHI). Spectrum of activity is considered as dominant in the organization of transfer processes, storage and conversion information in developed model of memory. According to the position of modern knowledge the diagram of a hypothetical way to the library memory was developed and justified. The authors noted that the possibility of formation of an information code by means of SAHI is physical-logically consistent within the complex logic A.A. Zinoviev as the most perfect in the real time logic device. There is no need to ask the question: why dominates the spectrum of hydrogen? - This chemical is vital in the evolution of the bioorganic world. Supplemental approval is given in the paper, - the possibility of information duality of SAHI show a clear analogy between the latter and DNA. The above is illustrated in this paper as general physical and biophysical arguments and detailed mathematical analysis and thermodynamic description of SAHI. In general, it can be assumed that the proposed model of formation of the information space in memory by means of hydrogen ions carries the actual quality of the adequacy and in private provisions don’t contrary to popular works.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
Reference29 articles.
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