Ion-Molecular Memory Model. The Causes Leading to Distortion of Information Stored in Memory


Герасимов ,Gerasimov I.,Яшин ,Yashin A.


. As in perception, transmission, processing and storage of information in technical systems, distortion (useful) information in the functioning of memory is real and ontologically grounded. The reason of the distortion is the theme of this article from the cycle of works on creation of ion-molecular memory model. By analogy with radio-physical systems – nature is "stingy" on the system moves - the principle of evolutionary conservatism (by I.G. Gerasimov and A. A. Yashin) – the main reason of distortion is an information noise. Classification of information noise in the functioning of memory is developed. The cellular level of noisiness is highlighted. It is shown that an important reason for the distortion of information is a copy of information that is essential for brain function. The repair mechanisms distorted information by modifying the parameters of the spectrum of activity of hydrogen ions are considered. It is important to visualize: informational noise depends on the quality of the information signal, and on the quality of (generalized) receiver of useful information that we observe in the memory structure of the bio-object, in human – in the first place. The evolutionary principle of conservatism, the essence of the system-wide law of the universe, according to which the nature is «stingy» in terms of variety of moves and is based on the famous Poincare hypothesis, now – on the Poincare-Perelman theorem. According to this principle, there is a perfect analogy in the implementation of living and non-living systems, including technical solutions created by man. The prerogative of the cellular level of degradation is even more very obvious: in any system, its qualitative characteristics are determined by the degree of perfection / imperfection of its constituent elements-"primary sources".


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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