Ion-molecular memory model. Associative and emotional memory аnd the production of information in the system memory


Герасимов ,Gerasimov I.,Яшин ,Yashin A.


In the article the research object is an associative and emotional memory, as well as the extreme importance of the question of the production of information in the system memory. These kinds of memory are category specific and peculiar. With regard to the production of information in the system memory, the question is about the completion of the memory by memory means. An associative or mechanically-associative memory is the remembering of the fact, which isn’t a target designation of the search, but the essence is a random access to information. You can (and should) be separate from the associative memory the emotional memory: an affective memory, the memory of the senses, is considered as a special kind of memory, although the mechanisms of its occurrence and the implementation don’t have a particularly fundamental difference from the mechanisms of an associative memory. The definition of "a special kind of memory” is fair in the sense that it is a memory exclusively on mood, emotions, experiences, etc. In the case of an emotional memory, only the associations are carried out on an emotional level. But it is necessary to repeated exposure to irritants, contributing to the primary emergence of emotional states, as for associative and emotional memory. Psycho-emotional sphere doesn’t exist apart from the other events taking place in the organism and “is not controlled” by certain molecules and ions. It is obvious that at emotional arousal there is a change in the activity of hydrogen ions, which contributes to the implementation of emotional memory.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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