1. From Caá-ehé to a Commercial Sweetener – the Diterpenoid Glycosides of Stevia rebaudiana
2. Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni: An alternative Sugar Replacer and Its Application in Food Industry
3. Effect of Stevioside and Steviol on the Developing Broiler Embryos
4. S. Andress and U.S. Food and Drug Administration , Agency Response Letter GRAS Notice No. GRN 000252, CFSAN/Office of Food Additive Safety , Whole Earth Sweetener Company LLC , Chicago, IL , 2008
5. R. S. McQuate and U.S. Food and Drug Administration , Agency Response Letter GRAS Notice No. GRN000304, CFSAN/Office of Food Additive Safety , GRAS Associates, LLC , Bend, OR , 2010