Education of general endurance is a goal "TABATA" in physical education classes for students


Madyar-Fazekash E.,Okopnuy A.,Voronchak M.


The article is devoted to actual problems that are solved in the process of physical education of students in training sessions aimed at mastering the program material, allowing to provide general and professionalapplied physical fitness, determining the psychophysical readiness of the student to his chosen profession. At present, in social and social relations, the requirements are raised for a person, for his physical potential, namely for endurance as a physical quality. Endurance helps a person to resist a long time coming fatigue, to endure it without reducing the quality of the work. The main indicator of endurance is time, during which muscular activity of a certain nature and intensity is carried out. In cyclical sports, endurance manifests itself as an indicator of the minimum time during the period of overcoming a given distance. When educating endurance in the classroom, the main methods include: variable, uniform, continuous and interval. Their choice is due to the physical fitness of students. In the first year it is advisable to use a uniform method and the optimal combination of duration and intensity of the load. The Tabata method belongs to modern trends in fitness and is "fashionable" among young people. The method allows for a short period of time to increase the aerobic and anaerobic capacity of the body and purposefully cultivate endurance. The peculiarities of the lesson (training) include the sequence of increasing load and breathing technique. Tabata training is high- intensity, many students are not physically ready for the proposed loads, in this regard, it is advisable to include in the main part of the lesson, blocks of simple exercises with less repetition. This method is contraindicated in the recovery period, students with low levels of physical fitness and suffering from cardiovascular disease. There are various tests to determine the level of endurance: Harvard step test, functional test on the Kverg, step test with Burger.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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