Development of strength abilities of female students by means of fitness in the system of additional education


Madyar-Fazekash Emilia,Victoria Tulaydan,Victoria Susla,Mordvintsev Gennadiy


The article considers the effectiveness of purposeful development of power abilities of students in classes of the general physical training by means of fitness, who are enrolled in programs of the secondary vocational education. As a means of developing strength abilities, it is proposed to include in training sessions the exercises burdened with the weight of own body 2 times a week for 6 months (static and dynamic), exercises with the weight of external objects and exercises with special fitness equipment and equipment (TRX loops, step platform, BOSU, fitball, multi-functional power frame) under the method of circular training. The purpose of the study is to experimentally determine the effectiveness of the developed method of developing power abilities. The study involved 70 female students (n = 70) divided into two groups. The first group was engaged in the general physical training sessions 2 times a week using traditional means of developing strength abilities. The second group was engaged in a specially developed method using nontraditional means of fitness for the development of strength abilities. According to the results of the study, a positive effect was determined, which is expressed in a significantly higher increase in results in control tests for evaluating power abilities in the experimental group. Thus, the pedagogical experiment showed the effectiveness of the proposed method of purposeful development of strength abilities by means of fitness in the system of additional education. The results of testing the level of strength training in the experimental group according to our proposed method turned out to be quite high. The use of different areas of strength fitness in sectional activities, which gives a significant increase in the development of girls' strength abilities (p<0.05). The average results of the experimental group increased from 11.2 to 24.4%.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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