Fitness programs in the system of educational and training classes in physical culture


Marionda I.,Madyar-Fazekash E.,Stepchuk N.


The article considers the increase of students' interest in physical culture and sports, revised the model of teaching physical culture in higher education. The system of physical education should use different types of health activities that are most attractive to the younger generation. In this case, we are talking about the introduction of fitness programs that combine the effectiveness of training, its results and satisfaction with the process. That is why, today, fitness is the most relevant type of physical activity. In addition, it is possible to introduce dance as a means of socializing the student's personality. It is worth considering the fact that fitness is presented in the form of various types of sports and health activities. Accordingly, a large number of such species generates a variety of fitness technologies. Fitness technology should be understood as nothing more than a set of physical exercises, as well as elements of dances or steps, which are grouped by a special algorithm of actions. As a result, fitness technology through a consolidated and sometimes chaotic set of actions aimed at ensuring a positive result, namely obtaining a physical health effect.The presented scientific article deals with the current topic of the inclusion of fitness programs in the educational process of the university. The author analyzes the modern education system, and also stud- ies the negative impact of the intensive educational process on the psychophysical state of the student. In this study, it is proposed to include certain types of fitness programs in the system of physical education classes, as this will contribute to a greater interest in sports and improve the health of students. In the course of the study, a survey of 450 students of higher educational institutions of the city of Krasnodar was conducted in order to identify the attitude of students to the introduction of fitness technologies in the edu- cational process. The paper considers some critical aspects of the inclusion of fitness programs, but the author suggests alternative ways of their early resolution.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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