Improvement of strength abilities of students in the educational process of "Physical education" using the "Tabata" system
Container-title:Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 15. Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports)
Shutka H.,Chervonoshapka M.,Holubeva O.,Sopila Yu.,Muzyka B.,Mazur T.
The discipline "Physical education" in institutions of higher education is aimed at the training of future specialists with a high level of comprehensive physical fitness and a system of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle. Finding and applying in the educational process of the effective methods of developing motor skills of students is an important problem of the theory and methods of physical education in institutions of higher education. The authors of scientific and methodological works note that the "Tabata" training is currently one of the most effective and promising methods of training for student youth. The work is devoted to the study of the influence of the "Tabata" training on the level of strength abilities of students. In the process of work, a pedagogical experiment was organized. Students of the 1st year of study of the specialty "Information systems and technologies" took part in the experiment. We studied indicators of the strength abilities of the muscles of the arms, legs and trunk (strength endurance, speed strength) using tests recommended by the authors of the scientific and methodological literature. The results of the pedagogical experiment showed that the "Tabata" training effectively contributes to increasing the level of strength abilities of students. The students of the experimental group showed a greater improvement of the indicators than the students of the control group, which trained using traditional methods.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
Materials Chemistry
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