1. University of Erfurt, Germany
2. Georg-August-University Goettingen, Germany
Initiating effective feedback processes is a major goal in university teaching. However, systematic investigations of structural feedback elements making instructor feedback economic, concise, motivating and beneficial for learning are still scarce. In our study, we compare two feedback modes with respect to learning gains and changes in self-efficacy in a quasi-experimental pre-post design. Participants ( N = 75 first-year students) received either scoresheet or textual instructor feedback on four individual assignments during a seminar. Outcome variables were knowledge gain, change in self-efficacy and changes in metacognitive monitoring. After the semester, we observed substantial knowledge gains for both feedback groups with only small advantages for scoresheet feedback. In contrast, self-efficacy was relatively stable across the semester and was not influenced by feedback mode. Achievement motivation measures normative ability and challenge-mastery goal orientation did not moderate the observed relationships but influenced knowledge gain and change in self-efficacy directly. Changes in metacognitive monitoring did not depend on feedback mode. Taken together, our data suggest that scoresheet and textual feedback conveying identical feedback content have comparable effects on achievement and self-evaluation measures. For university settings, scoresheets can be recommended as parsimonious feedback tools.
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3 articles.