1. Ultra-low Leakage IGZO-TFTs with Raised Source/Drain for Vt >0V and Ion >30?A/?m;subhechha;2022 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology and Circuits,0
2. Tailoring IGZO-TFT architecture for capacitorless DRAM, demonstrating > 103s retention, >1011 cycles endurance and Lg scalability down to 14nm
3. Device engineering guidelines for performance boost in IGZO front gated TFTs based on defect control
4. 2-kbit Array of 3-D Monolithically-stacked IGZO FETs with Low SS-64mV/dec, Ultra-low-leakage, Competitive ?-57cm2/V-s Performance and Novel nMOSOnly Circuit Demonstration;chand;2021 Symposium on VLSI Technology,0
5. First demonstration of sub-12nm Lg gate last IGZO-TFTs with oxygen tunnel architecture for front gate devices;subhechha;2021 Symposium on VLSI Technology,0