A Descriptive Study to Assess the Knowledge and Practice on ECG Skills among Emergency Nurses at Selected Hospitals, Chennai


A Sasikala.1,Venkatesan Latha2,D Sasikala.3


1. Lecturer, Apollo College of Nursing, Chennai.

2. Principal, Apollo College of Nursing, Chennai.

3. Reader- Apollo College of Nursing, Chennai.


Background: Electrocardiogram (ECG) plays a crucial role in helping to diagnose, follow-up, and detect any abnormalities in a patient’s condition. Nurses are usually the first to conduct an ECG and therefore need to know how to interpret them. The present study aims to examine the emergency nurse’s knowledge and practice about ECG skills. Objective: The objective of the study is to assess the knowledge and practice on ECG skills among emergency nurses. Methodology: A descriptive correlative design was adopted for conducting this study among 30 Nurses by purposive sampling technique at selected hospitals in Chennai. An extensive review of literature and experts opinion laid foundation for the development of demographic variable proforma of nurses, structured knowledge questionnaire on ECG skills and observation checklist on ECG. A pilot study was conducted to establish feasibility and researchability of the study after obtaining setting permission, participants consent and brief introduction about the study was given to participants. The data regarding demographic variable proforma of nurses, structured knowledge questionnaire on ECG skills among nurses was collected by self reporting method. The practice was assessed by using observation checklist on ECG skills. The collect data were organized and analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: More than half of nurses had moderately adequate knowledge (53.3%) and 46.6% of nurses have inadequate knowledge regarding ECG skills. Conclusion: There was no association between demographic variables such as gender, education status, years of experience in emergency ward and knowledge on ECG skills.


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