Development of Mechanisms for Increase of Functioning Efficiency of Low-Density Railway Lines


Kovalev Konstantin1,Novichihin Alexey1,Medved' Oksana2


1. Emperor Alexander I Petersburg State Transport University

2. Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University


The problem of effective development of transportation management methodology for low-density railway lines has important social-economic and industrial value for railway transport network functioning, provision of industry requirements and of population in transportations. The article proposes measure complex on the settlement of theoretical task row, directed on functioning efficiency rise of low-density lines and their transition from lossmaking category to nonlossmaking one as well as the variants of line transmission into profitable ones are worked out. Methodological bases of railway line functioning in the context of transportation management on low-density lines are presented. There is presented the mathematical setting of stable functioning and development of low-density lines. Target function parameters, standards and limitations are established. Integral mechanism of complex assessment of low-density lines is developed which allows to evaluate line work at various stages of functioning and at being embodied managing impacts aimed to traffic intensification. There are worked out the variants of line functioning at interaction of intensive, low-density and being projected lines. Conceptual model of low-density line effective functioning is presented. There is adapted the assessment mechanism for supposed costs and complex planned effect upon embodiment conditions at low-density lines.


Petersburg State Transport University


General Medicine

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