1. Chan, Y.K. and Ip, W.H. (1997), “A methodology for integrated management system”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Quality & Reliability..
2. Drucker, P. (1995), Managing in a Time of Great Change, Truman Talley Books, New York, NY.
3. Gaffney, P. and Chan, Y.K. (1998), “The application of ISO 9000 standards in a Metro engineering department”, (to be published in the 3rd International Conference on Quality & Reliability).
4. HKMA Quality Award ‐ Award Criteria and Scoring Guidelines(1997), Hong Kong Quality Management Association.
5. Kanter, R.M. (1995), World Class: Thriving Locally in the Global Economy, Simon & Schuster, New York, NY.