Risks and Losses of Human Capital as a Result of War


Antonyuk V.ORCID,


The article studies the demographic and social aspects of the risks of loss of human capital as a result of war. The risks on the main aspects of its formation of human capital are systematized: the preservation of health and life, the normal functioning of the family, the preservation and functioning of social infrastructure, the conditions and opportunities for the realization of human capital. The loss of human potential in the first half of the twentieth century is highlighted. Considerable attention is paid to the risks to the development of human capital arising from the hybrid war of 2014–2021. The analysis of the current demographic losses of human capital, which brought a full-scale war of Russia against Ukraine in 2022, has been made. The loss of educational infrastructure, which is significant for the formation of human assets, is highlighted.


Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University

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