Annotation. The acute demographic crisis in Ukraine has been a cause for concern for more than a year. The dynamic analysis of demographic processes gives us the opportunity to investigate the problems of studying the birth rate and population growth of Ukraine, the mortality and emigration of Ukrainians during the war and the creation of state programs that will motivate able-bodied Ukrainians to return to Ukraine after the victory from abroad to study, work and give birth to healthy children. The purpose of our research was to prove the importance of using various state programs to motivate the birth rate and return the working population to Ukraine, further research should be focused on identifying factors that complicate this process in practice. A review of literary sources in scientometric databases: Pub Med, Web of Science, and Google Scholar, as well as the latest UN data, included in this review article from 1990 to 2022, including the use of works by domestic and foreign scientists, was conducted. Based on available data, the positive and negative consequences of labor and educational migration of Ukrainians have been examined, and factors that have the greatest impact on the intensity of migration processes have been identified. The negative trends in the country's demographic development necessitate thorough research and exploration of the interplay between demographic processes and socio-economic phenomena, requiring the urgent pursuit of new avenues in demographic policies at all levels to halt population depopulation. A review of the scientific, educational, methodological and historical literature showed us that due to the increase in the standard of living, the improvement of the conditions for raising children and adolescents, purposeful work at the state level, changes in reproductive and migration attitudes, it is possible to achieve a certain increase in the birth rate. Our proposed approach to this problem allows us to choose a quick, optimal way to overcome the low birth rate of the population of Ukraine and create social state programs for the return of Ukrainians from abroad after the victory!
Vinnytsia National Pyrogov Memorial Medical University
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