1. CENTERA Laboratories, Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS, ul. Sokołowska 29/37, 01-142 Warsaw, Poland
2. V. Ye. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 41 pr. Nauki, 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine
3. Terahertz Photonics Laboratory, Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC), Saulėtekio al. 3, LT-10257 Vilnius, Lithuania
4. Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS, ul. Sokołowska 29/37, 01-142 Warsaw, Poland
5. CEZAMAT, Warsaw University of Technology, 02-822 Warsaw, Poland
6. Laboratoire Charles Coulomb, University of Montpellier and CNRS UMR 5221, 34950 Montpellier, France