1. Ferdinand-Braun-Institut GmbH (FBH) 1 , Gustav-Kirchhoff-Straße 4, 12489 Berlin, Germany
2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 2 , 77 Massachusetts Avenue, RM 39-567A, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA
3. College of Engineering, Cornell University 3 , Ithaca, New York 14850, USA and , Nagoya 464-8601, Japan
4. Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability, Nagoya University 3 , Ithaca, New York 14850, USA and , Nagoya 464-8601, Japan
5. State Key Discipline Laboratory of Wide Band-Gap Semiconductor Technology, School of Microelectronics, Xidian University 4 , Xi'an 710071, People's Republic of China
6. University of Nebraska-Lincoln 5 , Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-0511, USA and , P.O. Box 118, 22100 Lund, Sweden
7. NanoLund, Lund University 5 , Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-0511, USA and , P.O. Box 118, 22100 Lund, Sweden