
Клычова Гузалия1,Klychova Guzaliya2,Закирова Алсу1,Zakirova Alsu2,Юсупова Альфия,Yusupova Al'fiya,Клычова Айгуль1,Klychova Augul2


1. Казанский государственный аграрный университет

2. Kazan State Agrarian University


In modern conditions, the social component of business is becoming increasingly important both for organizations and for society as a whole, since, as many years of experience show, those enterprises that develop their socially-oriented activities are more trusted by the state, investors, counterparties, creditors and other business partners. The social responsibility of business helps minimize the negative impact of the enterprise's production activities, the formation of an atmosphere of trust, predictability and common values in society, thanks to which, business becomes economically and socially more sustainable. In this regard, relevant issues are related to the assessment of the level of social responsibility of the enterprise, determining the main directions of social development of companies. The economic essence of the concept “corporate social responsibility” has been studied and specified in the article, the main directions of the corporate social responsibility of business assessment are examined. For a comprehensive assessment of corporate social responsibility, a system of indicators is proposed that takes into account its following components: the development and implementation of human resources, the formation of environmental sustainability and the implementation of socially significant projects.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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