
Клычова Гузалия1,Klychova Guzaliya2,Закирова Алсу1,Zakirova Alsu2,Клычова Айгуль1,Klychova Augul2,Гимадиев Ильдус1,Gimadiev Ildus2


1. Казанский государственный аграрный университет

2. Kazan State Agrarian University


Personnel certification is a set of personnel measures, that allow to assess the compliance of personal qualities, potential and level of labor of a person with the existing requirements for work performed. The main purpose of certification is to identify reserves for improving the efficiency of employees, control professional growth and qualifications of specialists. The main objectives of certification include the issues of improving the selection, training, management of wages, stimulating the professional growth of staff. The key principles of an effective personnel appraisal system include: focus on improving performance, thorough preparation, confidentiality, standardization and reliability of evaluation criteria; optimality in combination of encouragement and criticism, accuracy of the methods used. In the process of preparing and conducting certification, the methodological tools used are important. The study studied methods to evaluate certain indicators, their presence/absence, the severity of one or another employee. The article describes the stages of personnel certification, considered the possibility of attracting consultants as subject experts. They can suggest ways to solve one or another task arising in the framework of the attestation procedure, and help to train personnel in the development and implementation of an certification system. Personnel service forms the “Individual development plan for managers, specialists, employees of the enterprise” for each employee, who has passed certification, The article proposes the form of this document, which records the qualities and professional skills, that require development, development aim, development directions, development actions, necessary support, monitoring period, control method, performance mark. Employees of the enterprise on the basis of the “Individual development plan” can timely prepare for participation in new projects, entry into a new position; highlight points to pay attention to during development and training.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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