
Клычова Гузалия,Klychova Guzaliya,Зиганшин Булат,Ziganshin Bulat,Валиев Айрат,Valiev Ayrat,Закирова Алсу,Zakirova Alsu


In modern conditions, in order to ensure stable operation, formation of competitive advantages, production of competitive products, an agricultural enterprise needs an effective financial and production management system. The top management and management personnel of the agribusiness entity must forecast and determine the sales markets, suppliers, the range of products, jobs and services provided, prices for them, be able to respond correctly and promptly to changes in the internal and external environment and adjust the activities of the enterprise. This calls for the use of innovative methods to improve the efficiency of the enterprise management system. As one of the directions for improving the management of agricultural production, we can highlight the use of such management tools as benchmarking. The use of benchmarking results allows: to rely on the success of others, to take into account modern experience, and not outdated ideas; significantly reduce the costs of re-work, duplication; improve understanding of what is being done, and how well this is done; organize more effective management; set realistic goals; identify necessary changes; strengthen the responsibility of employees. Benchmarking technology provides an objective assessment of the organization’s own positions, systemic understanding of the position of competitors, efficiency in interaction with counterparties, which makes it possible to achieve the set goals, to master new sales markets, to obtain the maximum possible profit. The article considers the benchmarking technology as one of the tools for improving the management of agricultural production. The interpretation of the “benchmarking” category, its types, elements of benchmarking model, the format of benchmarking working documents were studied.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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