
Клычова Гузалия1,Klychova Guzaliya2,Закирова Алсу1,Zakirova Alsu2,Клычова Айгуль1,Klychova Augul2,Гимадиев Ильдус1,Gimadiev Ildus2


1. Казанский государственный аграрный университет

2. Kazan State Agrarian University


In modern conditions, the formation, rational use and development of human resources are relevant for any agricultural enterprise. Personnel development should be based on an effective system of adaptation, certification and motivation of employees. Certification of personnel is a procedure in which systematically, using the methods of personnel assessment, assesses the compliance of the activities of a particular employee with a certain standard for performing work in this position and at this workplace. In addition, the certification process assesses the performance of employees and their personal and business qualities. The study substantiates the need to develop an effective certification system that will best meet the goals of the agricultural organization, its needs and the organizational culture that has developed in it. The article defines the purpose of certification, which is to assess the conformity of the effectiveness of personnel competence with the goals and requirements of the enterprise; rational use of human resources; increasing the responsibility and effectiveness of staff; strengthening corporate culture. The stages of certification of personnel are highlighted and characterized. In the article, as a methodological support for certification, the form “Form for evaluating managers, specialists, and competency workers” is proposed, which records information on his performance indicators, qualifications, professional experience, strengths and weaknesses, and the possibility of transferring to a more responsible and difficult job. According to the presented list of competencies, a quantitative assessment is made of the conformity of the attestant for each item with the requirements of the position. The methodological toolkit for personnel certification developed during the study will help establish the professional and personal potential of the employee, create a talent pool and improve the activities of the personnel recruitment company; will determine the degree of conformity of the level of knowledge of the post, the effectiveness of the personnel, the need for advanced training of employees, standards for encouraging employees to improve their skills.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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