Physico-chemical, morphological and technological properties of the avocado (Persea americana Mill. cv. Hass) seed starch


Macena Jéssica Franco Freitas1ORCID,Souza Joiciana Cardoso Arruda de1ORCID,Camilloto Geany Peruch2ORCID,Cruz Renato Souza2ORCID


1. Universidade Federal da Bahia/UFB, Brazil

2. Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana/UEFS, Brazil


ABSTRACT Avocado seeds (Persea americana Mill) are a byproduct of fruit processing and are considered a potential alternative source of starch. Starch is widely used as a functional ingredient in food systems, along with additives such as salt, sugars, acids and fats. This study aimed to perform the physicochemical, morphological and technological characterization of starch from avocado seeds and to evaluate the consistency of gels when salt, sugar, acid and fat are added. Extraction yield was 10.67% and final moisture 15.36%. The apparent amylose content (%) was higher than other cereal and tuber starches. XRD standards confirmed the presence of type B crystallinity, typical of fruits and tubers, with a crystallinity degree of 56.09%. The swelling power increased with increasing temperature (above 70 °C). Avocado seed starch (ASS) presented a syneresis rate of 42.5%. Viscoamylography showed that ASS is stable at high temperatures. TPA analysis showed that ASS gels with different additives and concentrations varied significantly (p<0.05) from the control sample, mainly in the hardness and gumminess profiles. The properties of ASS indicate a wide potential of applications which can be used in food industries such as sauces, creams and dehydrated soups. Furthermore, the use of this seed to obtain starch contributes to the reduction of the residue of the avocado oil industry, avoiding damage to the environment.




Soil Science,General Veterinary,Agronomy and Crop Science,Animal Science and Zoology,Food Science

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