
Balin Kirill1,Borisova Eleonora1,Fedichkina Marina2


1. Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov

2. Military Medical Academy n. a. S.M. Kirov


Subject. Today, the condition of patients with dental diseases is directly related to the quality of life. The massive need for dental rehabilitation of patients, restoration of chewing function, aesthetic function and normalization of speech requires a full and high-quality treatment result. According to the definition of the World Health Organization, the quality of life is “an individual's perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns” [25, 39]. There are two sides of the "quality of life" — internal, which depends on the very personality of a person, and external, due to the degree of development of society and the state. Therefore, the study of the quality of life is not only a reliable and effective way of assessing the general well-being of a person, but also a highly informative, sensitive and economically justified method of assessing the health of both the population as a whole and individual social groups generally accepted in international practice. The techniques described in this review allow one to quantify the multicomponent characteristics of a person's vital activity — his physical, psychological and social functioning. Aim. Analysis of the degree of elaboration of the topic “studying the quality of life”. Materials and methods. The study was conducted based on the search and study of original articles on aspects of the quality of life of patients after dental interventions. In the course of studying the literature in the eLibrary, Pubmed, Google Schoolar databases, 39 sources were included in the study. Conclusions. As a result of the work carried out, it can be concluded that the dynamic assessment of the quality of life of patients in the process of dental treatment is a rather promising direction. Subjective assessment of the quality of life by the patient himself is one of the most important criteria for quality treatment.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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