
Никитенко Виталий1,Nikitenko Vitaliy2,Борисова Элеонора1,Borisova Eleonora2,Балин Владимир1,Balin Vladimir2,Рощупкина Инна1,Roshchupkina Inna2


1. ФГБВОУ ВО «Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова» Министерства обороны Российской Федерации

2. Military Medical Academy n. a. S.M. Kirov


Importance. Currently, the problem of adverse effects of climatic conditions on human health, in particular, on the health of military, is becoming increasingly important. The emergence of various neuralgia of a number of cranio-facial nerves, often accompanied by atypical pain in the temporomandibular joints, masticatory muscles are more severe in the Arctic regions; quite often there are complications during dental interventions, manifested in the form of pain syndromes of the maxillofacial region. Objective ― the dental status of 360 military suffering from pain syndromes in the maxillofacial region and serving in areas with different climatogeographic conditions was studied. Methodology. Patients were divided into clinical groups. The first group consisted of soldiers from St.-Petersburg and Leningrad region (group A). The second group consisted of men serving in the Far North (group B). Clinical methods of examination included visual examination, palpation, examination of the oral cavity, assessment of the hygienic state of the oral cavity and determination of periodontal indices, bite features, logging of pathological changes in hard tissues of teeth and occlusive relationships. The intensity of pain severity was assessed by visual analog scale. The highest percentage (62.72%) among the diseases detected in the military who applied for help were pain in trigeminal neuropathy and myalgia of the face. The military associated the occurrence of existing pain symptoms in the oral cavity (89.12%) with previously carried out dental interventions in the oral cavity. Conclusions. A statistically significant relationship between the late turnover of military serving in the Far North and the chronicity of all forms of oral pain syndromes was found.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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