
K.D. Balin1ORCID,E.G. Borisova1ORCID,V.N. Balin1ORCID


1. S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation


Abstract. Regardless of the reason for the extraction of teeth, complications of caries, severe periodontitis or traumatic extraction, the result is always the same - the formation of a defect in the dentition, requiring its replacement. Situations when it is necessary to replace an included defect with the absence of one tooth have long been included in daily dental practice and do not cause discussions, however, situations when it is necessary to fill in the entire dentition require a lot of clinical experience and training. Given the fact that such rehabilitation cannot exclude a financial factor, removable dentures still remain, although not ideal, but a rather relevant method of treating complete adentia. The term "adaptation" (from Latin adaptation - adaptation) - within the framework of orthopedic dentistry means the patient's getting used to the use of prostheses. Any replacement prostheses in the oral cavity at first are perceived as a foreign body being an irritant. The time of adaptation to the prosthesis depends on many factors: the design of the prosthesis, the quality of fixation, the nature of the transfer of pressure on the mucous membrane, the psycho-emotional lability of the patient, the duration of the use of the prosthesis. Over the past few decades, the main vector of development of dental treatment has been aimed at improving the aesthetics and functional features of the dentoalveolar system of patients. This fact is confirmed by the standard complaints of patients. In total dental rehabilitation, as a rule, the phonetic adaptation of patients to orthopedic structures with various types of fixations at the stage of prosthesis manufacturing is not taken into account either by dentists or dental technicians. Situations when diction and phonetics are not restored after the treatment are quite rare in everyday practice, but the ways of adaptation of patients to new orthopedic structures are not predictable both in clinical course and in terms of timing.


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