
Борисова Элеонора1,Borisova Eleonora2,Грига Эллина1,Griga Ellina2,Федичкина Марина1,Fedichkina Marina2,Канноева Марина1,Kannoeva Marina2


1. ФГБВОУ ВО «Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова» Министерства обороны Российской Федерации

2. Military Medical Academy n. a. S.M. Kirov


Subject. One of the urgent problems of modern health care is to provide quality and effective dental care. The percentage of complications as a result of deficiencies in the provision of dental care, leading to the development of serious pathologies and deteriorating the quality of life of patients is growing every year. High rates of emergence of new technologies in dentistry, new dental materials and equipment do not always allow each practicing dentist to achieve a high professional level of assistance when working with new methods and means of treatment of caries and its complications. In this regard, endodontic care is not provided at the proper level. Goal. A retrospective analysis of medical documentation (comprehensive examinations) was conducted to identify the incidence of medical care deficiencies and adverse outcomes in endodontic dentistry. Methodology. A retrospective analysis of 19 complex forensic examinations was carried out to identify the frequency of deficiencies in medical care and adverse outcomes in endodontic treatment of teeth. Results. It was found that the most common shortcomings in the endodontic treatment of teeth are the lack of x-rays before and after endodontic treatment, removal of filling material for the apex of the tooth, non-compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics in the treatment of patients, unjustified removal of dental pulp. Findings. A retrospective analysis of adverse outcomes in endodontic dentistry according to comprehensive examinations revealed significant deficiencies at the stages of diagnosis and treatment, which led to medical errors and further legal proceedings.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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