1. Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov
Subject. Nowadays chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis (CRAS) is still one of the few unsolved problems of modern dentistry, covering about 20% of the population, according to the World Health Organization.
This literature review provides information regarding the etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment methods. Modern dentists dealing with the problem of CRAS, at the diagnostic stage, reveal various somatic pathologies, indicating their initial etiological cause of the disease onset. There are a lot of such reasons, but the majority of authors suppose that it is impossible to do without a complex etiopathogenetic treatment, consultations of related specialists in order to achieve a stable remission of CRAS. Many authors agree that physiotherapy should be included in the course of treatment along with medications. Despite a wide range of treatment methods, there is no really effective one, patients still suffer from relapses. The true etiological cause has also not been identified.
Aim — the analysis of modern ideas concerning the etiology and treatment of chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis
Materials and methods. The study was performed on the basis of the search and analysis of the original literature sources in the following databases: Russia State Library, eLibrary, PubMed, The Cochrane Library, Google Scholar. The main selection of materials was carried out by keywords.
Results. The review of the literature sources describes the current understanding of the etiology and treatment of chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis, the basic principles of physiotherapy of chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis.
Conclusion. Analyzing the literature data, it can be concluded that the true cause of chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis is not known. Each case must be analyzed separately, a complete examination of the patient must be carried out, identifying concomitant somatic pathology. Among the methods of treatment, the most promising is an integrated approach - drug therapy with the addition of physiotherapy. The most modern is laser therapy.
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