1. Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Abstract. According to the World Health Organization, chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis remains an acute unresolved medical problem of the population and affects up to 20%. Such a large volume of patients stimulates the development of new treatment methods. In domestic and foreign literature, the possibilities of orthopedic treatment for chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis are presented only in separate works. In this case, the question is not about the rejection of prosthetics. It is necessary for chronic aphthous stomatitis to choose the appropriate design of the prosthesis, which will eliminate the possibility of injury to the oral mucosa and the occurrence of an allergic reaction. Rational prosthetics is possible and necessary in terms of preventing the occurrence of relapses of chronic stomatitis. According to many authors, when preparing the oral cavity for prosthetics with chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis, it is important to determine the amount of possible orthopedic care. There are recommendations for the elimination of possible traumatic factors, the correct restoration of the height of the lower face when providing orthopedic dental care to patients with chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis. To prevent exacerbations in preparation for dental procedures, researchers suggest treating the oral cavity with gels or solutions containing an anesthetic. In many literature sources, when prosthetics with removable lamellar dentures of extensive defects in the dentition or the complete absence of teeth, it is necessary to use two-layer bases made of colorless plastic with an elastic lining. Aim of the study: to analyze domestic and foreign literature on the issues of orthopedic treatment of patients suffering from chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis. Material and methods. An analysis of the literature on this issue was carried out, where a significant place is given to the importance of oral hygiene, weakening the toxic-allergic effect of polymers, improving the technology for manufacturing removable lamellar dentures, the use of magnetic therapy and low-intensity laser radiation. Conclusions. An analysis of the literature data and our own observations confirms the need for further study of the issue of providing qualified dental orthopedic care to patients with chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis and ways to accelerate adaptation to removable partial or full dentures in patients with this pathology.
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