
Elovicova Tat'yana1,Griroriev Sergey1,Ssablina Svetlana1,Sorokoumova Dina1,Yepishova Anna1,Koshchev Anatoly2,Chagay Andrey1


1. Ural State Medical University

2. 3Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin


Subject. The main goal of the medical dental education is to prepare a responsible and qualified professional ready for self-determination and self-realization. Training of dental students in Medical University provides professional competencies in various medical specialties. Today, however, the social requirement is the realization of professional competencies of dentists in periodontology which is inseparable from regular professional oral hygiene. This study covers analysis and investigation of capability and preparedness of dental students to realize personal preventive, diagnostic and curing competencies at therapeutic consultations. Objective — to assess the quality of professional oral hygiene performed by the fifth-year students during practice (course “Periodontology”) for patients with chronic simple marginal gingivitis and mild periodontitis. Methodology. The students examined and treated 50 patients with chronic generalized simple marginal gingivitis (30 patients) and mild periodontitis (20 patients) in the age of 18—38, apparently healthy, both sexes. The patients were divided into 2 groups. All patients were subjected to professional oral hygiene — in the first group by the piezoelectric ultrasound device, in the second group by the combined method, both with hand tools and the piezoelectric ultrasound device [16]. The check inspection was made in a week. The results were measured by statistical methods. Results. Education of professional oral hygiene is carried out by the Department of Preventive Dentistry and Propedeutics of Dental Disease and is the basic component of professional course of disciplines. At practical training of the full-time course of the Faculty of Dentistry students learn medical procedures, solve real-life diagnostic and medical tasks. Conclusions. During study at the Ural State Medical University, the Clinical Department ensures professional socialization and personal development of dental students; it builds their necessary knowledge, skills, experience and qualities, as well as professional competencies and commitment to provide these services self-reliantly.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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