
Snetkova Natalia1,SNETKOVA Tat`yana2,Makusheva Natal'ya3,AKATYEVA Galina2,CHUYKIN Sergey2


1. Bashkir State Medical Universitey

2. Bashkir State Medical University

3. Bashkirian State Medical University


Subject. Pediatricians play an important role in the foundation of a healthy lifestyle of children and their parents. The subject matter is the pediatric faculty students dental diseases prevention awareness level, since children, adolescents and their parents health education is one of important aspects of their future professional activities. Purpose ― study of major dental diseases prevention knowledge level of the pediatric faculty students. Methodology. A survey of 141 5th year students of the pediatric faculty was conducted, including 120 (85.1 %) girls and 21 (14.9 %) men. The students were offered to answer 35 questions regarding eating habits, the causes of tooth decay, the rules of tooth brushing, oral hygiene products, the reasons for visiting a dentist, medical activity of students. Results. The analysis of questionnaires showed that 82.3 % (116) of students under survey follow the oral care regular rules. The survey also showed that the students do not know all the technique rules of tooth brushing. The analysis of the pediatric faculty students’ opinion of their knowledge level of the reasons for tooth diseases and periodontal tissues showed that 25.5 % of respondents know enough: 63.8 % want to know more; 10.6 % said they do not know enough. Regarding the medical activity 29.1 % of the respondents answered that they regularly visit the dentist 2 or more times a year, 46.1 % ― once a year, 12.7 % ― every 2-3 years, 11.3 % ― when they have a tooth ache. 31.9 % of respondents correctly listed the methods to prevent dental caries. Conclusion. The pediatric faculty students have an insufficient level of knowledge of the reasons for dental diseases and their prevention methods. The results of the survey indicate the necessity of a correct understanding of the importance of this problem by the pediatric faculty students.


TIRAZH Publishing House

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