1. ФГБОУ ВО «Уральский государственный медицинский университет» Минздрава России
2. Ural State Medical university
3. ФГБОУ ВО УГМУ Минздрава России
4. УрФУ
5. Ural Federal University
Object. The paper analyzes the change in the physical and chemical properties of mixed saliva in patients with the course of use of toothpaste "Sensodyne® Recovery and protection" containing NovaMin and sodium fluoride. The analysis of the survey of organoleptic properties of toothpaste, clinical examination of patients with hyperesthesia and laboratory parameters of mixed saliva in dynamics was carried out. Purpose. Rationale for the use of therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste "Sensodyne® Recovery and protection" with sodium fluoride for sensitive teeth in young patients. Methodology. A clinical examination of the oral cavity of young patients (50 men, mean age of 22.50±2.59 years), index estimation of a condition of the teeth (CPUs, municipal production unitary enterprise), oral hygiene (J. R. Green, J. R. Vermillion, 1964), the determination of "teeth sensitivity" (method L. Y. Nut–Litovskogo S. B.); the study of mixed saliva (qualitative analysis, salumeria; concentration of fluorine ions and sodium, pH, redox potential, total zhestkost) exchange rate before and after application of toothpaste. Results. A pronounced clinical effect was obtained, which manifests itself in the cleansing qualities (p≤0.05), and in the elimination of hyperesthesia (p≤0.05) in all patients. The increase of pH values (p≤0.05) was revealed. After cleaning in the sample of mixed saliva, the concentration of fluoride ions increases by 22%, the content of sodium ions decreases by 35.4%, the content of calcium and magnesium ions decreases. This contributes to the formation of stable fluorapatite Ca5(PO4)3F in the surface layers of enamel. calcium ions from phosphosilicate calcium-sodium (NovaMin) go directly from the toothpaste "Sensodyne® repair and protect" with the sodium fluoride in the construction of the hydroxyapatite of tooth enamel. Summary. Thus, the analysis of the results of the survey evaluation of the organoleptic properties of toothpaste "Sensodyne® Recovery and protection" containing sodium fluoride, which are estimated to be highly valued, clinical examination of patients with hyperesthesia and laboratory parameters of mixed saliva in dynamics, showed a significant clinical effect: improving the cleaning ability of toothpaste, reducing the sensitivity of teeth in 100% of patients.
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10 articles.