Dem'yanenko Svetlana1, Duryagina Larisa2, Prijma Natalia3, Degtyareva Ludmila4, Kozub Daria4, Samokish Yulia4
1. Crimea State Medical University named after S.I.Georgievsky 2. Crimean Federal University. V. I. Vernadsky 3. Crimean Federal University 4. Institute «Medical Academy named after S.I. Georgievsky» of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
Objectives. Remineralizing therapy is widely used in the treatment of acute initial caries. However, when the protein matrix of the enamel is destroyed in the area of the initial caries, remineralizing therapy turns out to be ineffective, which requires the choice of a different method of treatment. One of these methods is the Icon (Infiltration Concept) enamel infiltration method, which allows to preserve the natural healthy tooth tissues as much as possible and restore the enamel affected by caries.
Purpose — to analyze the comparative study of the clinical efficacy of the Icon infiltration method and the deep fluoridation method in the treatment of acute initial caries.
Methodology. The article presents the results of studying the clinical efficacy of the Icon infiltration method and the deep fluoridation method in the treatment of acute initial caries of 89 teeth in 50 students of the Medical Academy. S.I. Georgievsky at the age of 18–24. Paraclinical indices were studied: hygiene index (OHI-S), the intensity of dental caries damage (CPU of teeth, CPU of cavities), means of individual hygiene for the oral cavity were selected, general remineralizing treatment was prescribed. To assess the dynamics of treatment, patients were divided into three groups of groups, taking into account the therapy.
Results. Clinical application of the Icon infiltration method in the treatment of initial caries made it possible to achieve stabilization of the pathological process and restoration of enamel in 100% of cases — there was a complete disappearance of the focus of demineralization in all teeth, elimination of clinical manifestations of acute initial caries, reduction of the degree of demineralization revealed by vital staining by 83.6%.
Conclusions. Our positive results allow us to recommend a wider clinical application of the Icon infiltration method in order to restore enamel in the treatment of initial caries.
TIRAZH Publishing House
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