Influence of probiotic on the meat productivity and indicators of the control slaughter of pigs


Murashov A. G., ,Ermolova E. M.,Kosilov V. I.,Karmatskikh Yu. A., , ,


One of the triggers for increasing the meat productivity of pigs and improving the quality of meat is the use of probiotic feed additives in the diets of young pigs and pregnant sows. The purpose of the research was to study the increase in meat productivity of pigs when using the probiotic drug Bifidum Bug in the diet. Scientific and economic experiment on the young pigs of Duroc breed was carried out on the basis of OOO “Agrofirma Ariant” in the Emanzhelinsky area in the Chelyabinsk region in the period 2020–2022. Data on the use of the probiotic Bifidum Bug in the diet of fattening pigs are presented. Probiotic feed additive was given to animals in the amount of 0,1 mg/kg of live weight daily. As a result of the control slaughter of animals of the control and experimental groups of 3 animals from each group, the following data were obtained: the slaughter yield in pigs of the 1st control group was 63,4 %, while in pigs of the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups it was higher – 68,8 and 68,3 %, respectively. The highest ratio of edible parts of the carcass to inedible was observed in pigs in the 2nd experimental group 8,6:1, to a lesser extent in the 3rd experimental group 8,3:1, while in the 1st control group it was 8,1:1. The chemical composition of the muscle tissue of pigs in the experimental groups in the final as a result, it affected the energy value of meat. So, in the 1st control group the energy value of 100 g of meat was 182,2 kcal or 763,4 kJ, in the 2nd experimental group 189,4 and 793,6, respectively, and in the 3rd experimental group it was 186,1 kcal and 779,9 kJ.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine

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