The purpose of the work was to study the hematological parameters of young pigs on fattening when using the enzyme and probiotic drug “Bacell” separately and in combination with natural bischofite. The data of studies on the study of the effect of the drug “Bacell” separately and in combination with Volgograd bischofi te on hematological indicators refl ecting the physiological state of pigs were shown. The following parameters were studied in the blood such as the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes, hemoglobin content, total protein, albumin, total calcium, inorganic phosphorus. It was revealed that at the end of the studies in animals of the 1st and 2nd experimental groups the number of red blood cells in the blood was higher than in the control group analogues by 5,80 and 8,70 %, the hemoglobin content was higher by 2,68 and 4,24 % (p < 0,001). Between the experimental groups the diff erence in the number of red blood cells in the blood was in favor of the young pigs of the 2nd group, the superiority of which in comparison with the 1st group was 2,74 %, and in terms of hemoglobin content by 1,52 %. Also, the young pigs of the 1st and 2nd experimental groups exceeded the control group in terms of the amount of total protein in the blood serum, respectively, by 2,01 g/l or 2,52 % (p < 0,05) and 2,31 g/l or 2,89 % (p < 0,01); albumins by 1,24 g/l or 3,53 % (p < 0,05) and 1,56 g/l or 4,44 % (p < 0,01); globulins – 0,76 g/l or 1,70 % and 0,75 g/l or 1,68 %. In the experimental groups of pigs, in terms of the total protein content in the blood serum, the animals of the 2nd group had an advantage, which exceeded the analogues of the 1st group by the studied indicator of 0,30 g/l or 0,37 %, and in terms of albumin concentration by 0,32 g/l or 0,88 %. At the same time, a higher protein index of blood serum was established in fattened young pigs of the experimental groups by 2,57 and 3,85 %, respectively, compared with the control group. Mineral metabolism was more intense in pigs of the experimental groups compared with the control group. Thus, the inclusion in the diets of fattened young pigs of experimental groups of the drug “Bacell”, both separately and in combination with Volgograd bischofite increased redox and metabolic processes in the body in comparison with the control group. These processes were more intense in young pigs of the 2nd experimental group, who received the drug “Bacell” in combination with natural bischofite.
PANORAMA Publishing House
Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry