Probiotic feed additive in the diets of young chickens of egg productivity


Denisenko L. I., ,Kotarev V. I.,


From the perspective of modern ideas about the complete balanced feeding of poultry, it is necessary to use biologically active additives to maximize the realization of the genetic potential of poultry. The purpose of the research was to study the eff ect of the probiotic feed additive “Profort” in the diets of young chickens of the egg cross Czech Dominant on egg productivity and the quality of the resulting egg. The control group of chickens received the main diet, in the experimental group of poultry together with the main diet the feed additive “Profort” was used (LLC Biotrof, St. Petersburg) at a dose of 0,5 kg/t of compound feed. The compound feeds used for feeding in the experimental and control groups were developed at the Belgorod Vitamin Enterprise LLC “Biorhythm” corresponded to the norms and needs of the farmed poultry in the studied periods. The growth of young poultry of the cross Czech Dominant when the feed additive “Profort” was introduced into the diets for the period of experiment (0–116 days) was as follows: the live weight in the experimental group was by 12,8 % higher, the average daily gain was by 13,4 % % higher, compare with the control group. The absolute gain in live weight during the experiment in the experimental group was 1223,8 g, in the control group 1080 g, with a diff erence of 13,3 %. The livability of poultry in the experimental group was 97,0 %, and in the control group it was 95,0 %, the diff erence was 2,0 abs.%. In order to increase the complete feeding of poultry of modern egg crosses, increase its productivity and improve the quality of final products, in the process of rearing of young chickens of the egg productivity, we recommend using the feed additive “Profort”, feeding it by introducing into the composition of the compound feed at the dose of 0,5 kg/t.


PANORAMA Publishing House


General Medicine

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