1. * Professor and Marie Curie Chair holder, University of Oslo, Professor at the Facultes Universitaires Saint-Louis, Brussels, and at the Institute of European Studies, Universite Catholique de Louvain; Senior Researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. This study has been undertaken under the EU Marie Curie Chair in Oslo on Risks and Precaution and the Interuniversitary Attraction Pole 'The Loyalties of Knowledge' at the VUB in Brussels. The author thanks his colleagues, H-C. Bugge and S. Gutwirth, for their comments.
2. 1For the genesis and impact of this principle on the Community legal order, see my previous works on this topic:Les principes du pollueur-payeur, de prevention et de precaution, collection Universites francophones (Bruylant-A.U.F., 1999) p. 437;Environmental Principles: from Political Slogans to Legal Rules(Oxford University Press, 2002), p. 433.
3. Comparing precaution in the United States and Europe