1. High-resolution templates for step and flash imprint lithography
2. EUV source power and lifetime: the most critical issues for EUV lithography
3. XTREME Technologies GmbH, www.xtremetec.de, Gottingen, Germany.
4. I.V. Fomenkov, W.N. Partlo, N.R. Böwering, A.I. Ershov, C.L. Rettig, R.M. Ness, I.R. Oliver, S.T. Melnychuk, O.V. Khodykin, J.R. Hoffman, V.B. Fleurov, J.M. Algots, J.W. Viatella, B.A.M. Hansson, O. Hemberg, A.N. Bykanov, E.A. Lopez, P.C. Oh, T.D. Steiger, D.W. Myers, Progress in Development of a High Power EUV Source for EUV Lithography, 2004. Available from: .
5. J. Pankert, Philips’s EUV Source: Main Messages, 2004. Available from: .