1. How We Think
2. Barton, B, Oates, G, Paterson, J and Schoenfeld, A.Have six colleagues view your lecture: Just why did I agree to that?Proceedings of the Sixth Southern Hemisphere Symposium on Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics Teaching and Learning, Southern Right, Delta, Gordon's Bay, South Africa, 29 November–4 December 2009
3. Thomas, M, Kensington-Miller, B, Bartholomew, H, Barton, B, Paterson, J and Yoon, C.Mathematics undergraduate teaching: Perspectives and interactions, in Proceedings of the Conference of the New Zealand Association for Research in Education, NZARE, Auckland, New Zealand, 6–9 December 2010
4. Paterson, J, Thomas, M, Postlethwaite, C and Taylor, S.The internal disciplinarian: Who is in control?Proceedings of the Conference of the Special Interest Group of the Mathematics Association of America; Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Portland, Oregon, USA, 24–27 February 2011
5. Barton, B.Designing alternative undergraduate delivery: Oil and massage, in Proceedings of the 7th Conference of European Researchers in Mathematics, E. Swoboda, ed., European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Rzeszow, Poland, 9–13 February 2011