High growth rate metal organic chemical vapor deposition grown Ga2O3 (010) Schottky diodes


Saha Sudipto1ORCID,Meng Lingyu2ORCID,Yu Dong Su2ORCID,Anhar Uddin Bhuiyan A. F. M.2ORCID,Zhao Hongping23ORCID,Singisetti Uttam1ORCID


1. Electrical Engineering Department, University at Buffalo 1 , Buffalo, New York 14260

2. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University 2 , Columbus, Ohio 43210

3. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The Ohio State University 3 , Columbus, Ohio 43210


We report on the growth of Si-doped homoepitaxial β-Ga2O3 thin films on (010) Ga2O3 substrates via metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) utilizing triethylgallium (TEGa) and trimethylgallium (TMGa) precursors. The epitaxial growth achieved an impressive 9.5 μm thickness at 3 μm/h using TMGa, a significant advance in material growth for electronic device fabrication. This paper systematically studies the Schottky barrier diodes fabricated on the three MOCVD-grown films, each exhibiting variations in the epilayer thickness, doping levels, and growth rates. The diode from the 2 μm thick Ga2O3 epilayer with TEGa precursor demonstrates promising forward current densities, the lowest specific on-resistance, and the lowest ideality factor, endorsing TEGa’s potential for MOCVD growth. Conversely, the diode from the 9.5 μm thick Ga2O3 layer with TMGa precursor exhibits excellent characteristics in terms of lowest leakage current, highest on-off ratio, and highest reverse breakdown voltage of −510 V without any electric field management, emphasizing TMGa’s suitability for achieving high growth rates in Ga2O3 epilayers for vertical power electronic devices.


Air Force Office of Scientific Research

National Science Foundation

Coherent / II-VI Foundation


American Vacuum Society








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