Ultrawide‐Bandgap Semiconductors: Research Opportunities and Challenges


Tsao J. Y.1ORCID,Chowdhury S.2,Hollis M. A.3,Jena D.4,Johnson N. M.5,Jones K. A.6,Kaplar R. J.7,Rajan S.8,Van de Walle C. G.9,Bellotti E.10,Chua C. L.5,Collazo R.11,Coltrin M. E.12,Cooper J. A.13,Evans K. R.14,Graham S.15,Grotjohn T. A.16,Heller E. R.17,Higashiwaki M.18,Islam M. S.19,Juodawlkis P. W.20,Khan M. A.21,Koehler A. D.22,Leach J. H.14,Mishra U. K.23,Nemanich R. J.24,Pilawa‐Podgurski R. C. N.25,Shealy J. B.26,Sitar Z.27,Tadjer M. J.22,Witulski A. F.28,Wraback M.29,Simmons J. A.30


1. Material, Physical, and Chemical Sciences Center Sandia National Laboratories PO Box 5800 Albuquerque NM 87185‐1421 USA

2. Electrical and Computer Engineering Department University of California Davis 3133 Kemper Hall Davis CA 95616 USA

3. Advanced Technology Division MIT Lincoln Laboratory 244 Wood Street Lexington MA 02421‐6426 USA

4. Electrical and Computer Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering Departments Cornell University 326 Bard Hall Ithaca NY 14853 USA

5. Electronic Materials and Devices Laboratory PARC 3333 Coyote Hill Road Palo Alto CA 94303 USA

6. Sensors and Electron Devices Directorate U.S. Army Research Laboratory 2800 Powder Mill Road Delphi MD 20783 USA

7. Material, Physical, and Chemical Sciences Center Sandia National Laboratories PO Box 5800 Albuquerque NM 87185‐1086 USA

8. Electrical and Computer Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering Departments Ohio State University 2015 Neil Avenue, 205 Dreese Laboratory Columbus OH 43210 USA

9. Materials Department University of California Santa Barbara 2510 Engineering II Santa Barbara CA 93106‐5050 USA

10. Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Boston University 8 St. Mary's Street Room 533 Boston MA 02215 USA

11. Materials Science and Engineering Department North Carolina State University 911 Partners Way (EBI 219) Raleigh NC 27695 USA

12. Material, Physical, and Chemical Sciences Center Sandia National Laboratories PO Box 5800 Albuquerque NM 87185 USA

13. Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Purdue University 1205 West State Street West Lafayette IN 47906 USA

14. Kyma Technologies, Inc. 8829 Midway West Rd Raleigh NC 27617 USA

15. Mechanical Engineering Department Georgia Institute of Technology 771 Ferst Drive Atlanta GA 30332 USA

16. Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Michigan State University 2120 Engineering Building East Lansing MI 48824 USA

17. Materials and Manufacturing Directorate Air Force Research Laboratory 3005 Hobson Way WPAFB OH 45433 USA

18. Green ICT Device Advanced Development Center National Institute of Information and Communications Technology 4‐2‐1 Nukui‐Kitamachi Koganei Tokyo 184‐0015 Japan

19. Electrical and Computer Engineering Department University of California at Davis 3139 Kemper Hall Davis CA 95616 USA

20. Quantum Information and Integrated Nanosystems Group MIT Lincoln Laboratory 244 Wood Street Lexington MA 02421‐6426 USA

21. Electrical Engineering Department University of South Carolina 301 Main Street (Swearingen 3A26) Columbia SC 29208 USA

22. High Power Electronics Branch Naval Research Laboratory 4555 Overlook Ave SW Washington DC 20375 USA

23. Electrical and Computer Engineering Department University of California Santa Barbara 2215C Engineering Science Building Santa Barbara CA 93106 USA

24. Physics Department Arizona State University PO Box 871504 Tempe AZ 85287‐1504 USA

25. Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Illinois Urbana‐Champaign 306 North Wright Street (4042 ECE) Urbana, Illinois 61801 USA

26. Akoustis Technologies 9805‐H Northcross Center Court Huntersville NC 28078 USA

27. Materials Science and Engineering Department North Carolina State University 911 Partners Way (EBI 217) Raleigh NC 27695 USA

28. Electrical Engineering Department Vanderbilt University 1025 16th Av. South, Ste. 200 Nashville TN 37235‐1553 USA

29. Sensors and Electron Devices Directorate U.S. Army Research Laboratory 2800 Powder Mill Road Adelphi MD 20783 USA

30. Advanced Science and Technology Division Sandia National Laboratories PO Box 5800 Albuquerque NM 87185‐1421 USA


National Science Foundation

Air Force Office of Scientific Research

National Nuclear Security Administration




Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials








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