1. Refer to website at http://www.rohs-news.com/ for information on Restriction on use of certain Hazardous Substances (RoHS) regulations
2. K.N. Tu, A.M. Gusak, M. Li, J. Appl. Phys. 93(3), 1335–1353 (2003)
3. Refer to websites at http://www.lead-free.org/legislation/, http://www.nemi.org/PbFreepublic/, and http://www.jeida.org.jp/english/information/pbfree/roadmap.html/ for information on relevant organization activities
4. C.M. Miller, I.E. Anderson, J.F. Smith, J. Electron. Mater. 23, 595 (1994)
5. I.E. Anderson, F.G. Yost, J.F. Smith, C.M. Miller, R.L. Terpstra, U.S. Patent No. 5,527,628, June 18, 1996