1. 1) Aluminium in cars, EAA brochure, Brüssel, 2007-Internet: www.alucars.org
2. 2) B. Gilmont: Automobil Industrie Insight, (March 2010) pp. 76–77.
3. 3) M. Goede and M. Stehlin: Proc. Int. SLC Conference on Innovative Developments for Lightweight Vehicle Structures, (May 2009, Wolfsburg, Germany) p. 25.
4. 4) Superlightcar Project 2009, Internet: www.superlightcar.com and http://ec.europa.eu/
5. 5) J. Hirsch: Proc. Innovative Development for Lightweight Vehicle Structures, 26th–27th May 2009, (Wolfsburg, Germany, organised by Volkswagen Group).