How Elementary Teaching Candidates’ Learning Opportunities Are Associated with Their Knowledge, Self-Efficacy, and Beliefs


Berlin Rebekah1,Youngs Peter2,Cohen Julie2


1. Deans for Impact

2. University of Virginia


Background/Context Many elementary teacher education programs seek to prepare candidates to enact ambitious mathematics instruction that supports students in engaging in rigorous, conceptually rich mathematics tasks. Extant literature suggests that preparedness to engage in ambitious elementary mathematics instruction is multifaceted and includes teaching candidates’ mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT), self-efficacy with regard to teaching mathematics, and pedagogical beliefs about mathematics. Prior research has produced findings that provide discrete, and at times conflicting, information about teacher preparation. Purpose/Objective/Research Question/Focus of Study This study examined how elementary candidates’ learning opportunities in mathematics content courses, mathematics methods courses, and student teaching were moderated by their reports about the quality of their experiences in courses and field placements to seem to affect their MKT, self-efficacy, and beliefs. Population/Participants/Subjects The study participants were 220 elementary teaching candidates who were in their final year of teacher preparation at four universities in three states. Research Design We employed multivariate path analysis, an approach that is purposefully designed to probe heterogeneity in teaching candidates’ experiences in courses and clinical placements. Data Collection and Analysis We administered two surveys to each study participant: an elementary teaching candidate survey, which included measures of mathematics teaching self-efficacy and pedagogical beliefs about mathematics, and an MKT survey. Findings/Results The number of mathematics content courses that elementary candidates took was positively associated with their MKT and mathematics teaching self-efficacy only when they also reported having positive experiences learning mathematics. When candidates reported increased opportunities to engage with representations, decompositions, and approximations of mathematics teaching practices in mathematics methods courses, this was associated with higher MKT scores and pedagogical beliefs about mathematics. When candidates reported that their cooperating teacher was a high-quality mentor, increased opportunities to observe, attempt, and receive feedback on mathematics teaching practices during their field experience were associated with mathematics teaching self-efficacy and pedagogical beliefs about mathematics. Conclusions/Recommendations The findings from this multivariate path analysis, which account for both the reported quantity and the perceived quality of elementary teaching candidate experiences, may shed light on conflicting findings in prior literature. There is little agreement in extant literature about associations between facets of teacher preparation and candidate knowledge, self-efficacy, or beliefs. Explaining the positive associations in some samples and lack of associations in others may have more to do with the quality of teaching candidate experiences than with whether a candidate was exposed to a particular opportunity to learn.


SAGE Publications



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