1. Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea
2. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
Given the growing interest in healthy and sustainable consumption, organic food has gained much attention from restaurants and markets aiming to achieve a competitive advantage. As a new form of word of mouth, influencers’ endorsements help organic food marketers reach and attract potential consumers. However, little is known about the persuasiveness of influencer marketing in organic food settings. Drawing on source credibility theory, this study proposes influencer credibility as the key to influencer marketing and examines its impact on consumer responses. Using data from an online survey, structural equation modeling revealed a significant and positive relationship between all credibility dimensions (expertise, trustworthiness, attractiveness, and interactivity) and perceived information quality leading to behavioral intention. Moreover, a significant moderation of herd behavior on the credibility information quality relationship was found. These findings will provide useful insights for organic food marketers in developing effective influencer marketing strategies.