1. Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India
As in other excitable tissues, two classes of electrical signals are of fundamental importance to the functioning of smooth muscles: junction potentials, which arise from neurotransmission and represent the initiation of excitation (or in some instances inhibition) of the tissue, and spikes or action potentials, which represent the accomplishment of excitation and lead on to contractile activity. Unlike the case in skeletal muscle and in neurons, junction potentials and spikes in smooth muscle have been poorly understood in relation to the electrical properties of the tissue and in terms of their spatiotemporal spread within it. This owes principally to the experimental difficulties involved in making precise electrical recordings from smooth muscles and also to two inherent features of this class of muscle, ie, the syncytial organization of its cells and the distributed innervation they receive, which renders their biophysical analysis problematic. In this review, we outline the development of hypotheses and knowledge on junction potentials and spikes in syncytial smooth muscle, showing how our concepts have frequently undergone radical changes and how recent developments hold promise in unraveling some of the many puzzles that remain. We focus especially on computational models and signal analysis approaches. We take as illustrative examples the smooth muscles of two organs with distinct functional characteristics, the vas deferens and urinary bladder, while also touching on features of electrical functioning in the smooth muscles of other organs.
Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology
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11 articles.