1. Better Schools through Better Partnerships: The Final Report and Recommendations of the Council of Chief State School Officers' National Field Task Force on the Improvement and Reform of American Education. Washington, D.C.: Office of Education (DHEW), 1974, p. 9. 73 p. ED 093 864. MF & HC*
2. A Real Alternative: The Final Report and Recommendations of the Community National Field Task Force on the Improvement and Reform of American Education . Washington, D.C.: National Center for the Improvement of Educational Systems (DHEW/OE), 1974, p. 36. 93 p. ED 093 865. MF & HC
3. Institutional Viability: The Final Report and Recommendations of the Administration and Supervision National Field Task Force on the Improvement and Reform of American Education. Washington, D.C.: National Center for the Improvement of Educational Systems (DHEW/OE), 1974, p. 6. 109 p. ED 097 302. MF & HC
4. Inside-Out: The Final Report and Recommendations of the Teachers National Field Task Force on the Improvement and Reform of American Education. Washington, D.C.: National Center for the Improvement of Educational Systems (DHEW/OE), 1974, p. 57. ED 093 865. MF & HC