1. *Agor, B., Delehant, A. and Lowe, W.Rochester City Schools/Rochester Teachers Association/University of Rochester collaboration. Paper presented at the Holmes Group Second Annual Conference. Washington, DC. January.
2. *Anderson, D., Asbury, D., Grossman, J., Howey, K., Rentel, V. and Zimpher, N.A partnership in the professional development of teachers. Paper presented at the Holmes Group Second Annual Conference. Washington, DC. January.
3. *Andrew, M. and Robbins, J.Five‐year teacher preparation program: University of New Hampshire. Paper presented at the Holmes Group Second Annual Conference. Washington, DC. January.
4. Teacher Efficacy: A Motivational Paradigm for Effective Teacher Education
5. *Auger, K., Smith, S., Odell, S., Heinsohn, J., Bemskin, E., Colton, D., Nebgen, M., Whatley, D. and Duquette, R.The University of New Mexico/Albuquerque Public Schools collaboration and professional development school project. Paper presented at the Holmes Group Second Annual Conference. Washington, DC. January.